sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Alchemy Guide 1-525

Alchemy 1-525 Guide

Apprentice Alchemy
1-60 30x Minor Healing Potion : 30 Silverleaf 30 Peacebloom
Journeyman Alchemy
60-110 25xLesser Healing Potion: 25 Briarthorn
110-140 15x Healing Potion : 15 Bruiseweed 15 Briarthorn

Expert Alchemy
140-156 8x Lesser Mana Potion: 8 Stranglekelp 8 Mageroyal
156-186 15x Greater Healing Potion: 15 Kingsblood 15 Liferoot
186-210 12x Elixir of Agility: 12 Goldthorn 12 Stranglekelp

Artisan Alchemy
210–216 3x Elixir of Greater Defense: 3 Goldthorn 3 Wild Steelbloom
216–232 8x Superior Healing Potion: 8 Khadgar's Whisker 8 Sungrass
232–250 9x Elixir of Detect Undead: 9 Arthas Tears
250–266 8 x Elixir of Greater Agility: 8 Goldthorn 8 Sungrass
266–286 10 x Superior Mana Potion: 10 Blindweed 10 Sungrass

Master Alchemy
286–300 9x Major Healing Potion: 9 Mountain Silversage 18 Golden Sansam
300–310 5x Volatile Healing Potion: 5 Felweed 5 Golden Sansam
310–326 8x Elixir of Healing Power: 8 Dreaming Glory 8 Golden Sansam
326–336 5x Mad Alchemist's Potion: 10 Ragveil
336–340 2x Super Healing Potion: 2 Felweed 4 Netherbloom
340–360 11x Super Mana Potion: 11 Felweed 22 Dreaming Glory

Grand Master Alchemy
360–366 3x Icy Mana Potion: 5 Talandra's Rose
366–376 5 x Spellpower Elixir: 5 Goldclover 5 Tiger Lily
376–380 2x Pygmy Oil:2 Pigmy Suckerfish
380–386 3x Potion of Nightmares: 3 Goldclover 6 Talandra's Rose
386–396 6x Elixir of Mighty Strength: 12 Tiger's Lily
396-406 6xElixir of Mighty Agility: 12 Goldclover 12 Adder's Tongue
406-410 2xRunic Healing Potion 2 Goldclover 4 Icethorn
410–426 10x Runic Mana Potion: 10 Goldclover 20 Lichbloom
426–450 12x Draught of War : 12 Cinderbloom

Illustrious Grand Master Alchemy
450–456 3x Ghost Elixir: 6 Cinderbloom
456–460 2x Deathblood Venom: 2 Stormvine
460–466 3x Volcanic Potion: 3 Cinderbloom 3 Azshara's Veil
466–476 5x Elixir of the Cobra: 5 Cinderbloom 5 Azshara's Veil
476–480 2x Elixir of Deep Earth:2 Heartblossom
480–490 5x Elixir of Impossible Accuracy: 5 Cinderbloom 5 Heartblossom
490–496 3x Golemblood Potion: 3 Volatile Life 3 Heartblossom
496–506 5x Elixir of the Master: 5 Twilight Jasmine 5 Heartblossom
506–510 2x Transmute: Dream Emerald:6 Jasper 6 Stormvine
510–516 3x Transmute: Dream Topaz: 9 Hessonite 9 Cinderbloom
516–520 2x Transmute: Demonseye: 6 Nighstone 6 Twilight Jasmine
520–525 3x Transmute: Amberjewel : 9 Alicite 9 Whiptai

Alte mentiuni:
-Recipe pentru
Super Mana Potion(340-360) il gasiti la vendor: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=18005 pentru alianta si http://www.wowhead.com/npc=19837 pentru hoarda
-Combinati Alchemy cu Herbalism(va recomand doar),pentru a farma herbs(sau auction house ofc)
-Pentru Transmutations aveti nevoie de http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=11459 (wowhead link) ,recipe vandut de http://www.wowhead.com/npc=5594 in Tanaris
-Am aproximat unde a fost cazul,dar si din cauza faptului ca (crafting)spellul devine yellow/green etc
-Mai sunt necesare si http://www.wowhead.com/item=3371 cam 235(in total)

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