sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Paladin - Holy, PvP

Holy Paladin PvP Guide

- patch 4.0.6 -

Cuprins :

1. Introducere clasa

2. Spec

3. Glyphs

4. Tips & Tricks

5. Gearing

6. Macros

7. Keybinds

8. Comps

9. Addons

1. Introducere clasa


[MECHANICS] Holy Power (maxim 3 puncte) Noul mecanism de care depind anumite spelluri care il consuma, in loc sa consume mana.
[MECHANICS] Spirit a inlocuit Mp5 (mana regen)
[MECHANICS] Plate Specialization - practic te obliga sa porti doar iteme plate pentru acel bonus.
[MECHANICS] Mastery rating - punctele de Mastery pe Holy spec practic inlocuiesc vechiul Sacred Shield.

[HEAL] Flash of Light - heal decent, rapid, bun pt fake casting, dar consuma repede mana.
[HEAL] Holy Shock - e aproape gratis, la crit reduce cast time la Divine Light, folositi la fiecare 6 sec.
[HEAL] Word of Glory - costa 1-3 HP.
[HEAL] Divine Light - recomandat sa-l folosesti doar cand dai crit cu Holy Shock pt ca are cast time mare.
[HEAL] Guardian of the Ancient Kings - un gardian invulnerabil, dubleaza urmatoarele 5 healuri ale tale, are cd relativ mare, nu-l irosi decat daca nu faci fata la heals.

[BUFF] Judgement - (+ Seal of Insight) genereaza mana si heal, 9% haste pt un minut.
[BUFF] Divine Protection - nu mai cauzeaza Forbearance, cd mult mai mic, reduce 20% dmg.
[BUFF] Divine Favor - 3min cd, 20% haste si crit pt 20 sec.
[BUFF] Holy Radiance - costa multa mana, nu are cine stie ce heal, dar se merita atata timp cat iti mareste movement speed cu 60 % pt 4 sec.
[BUFF] Seal of Insight - cu asta si cu Kings te bufezi in general.
[BUFF] Beacon of Light - dureaza cu 4 minute mai mult, daca-l pui pe tine cand dai heal pe altii primesti 50 % din heal inapoi, daca-l pui pe altii, genereaza 1 HP daca folosesti Flash of Light / Divine Light.

[DMG] Exorcism - acuma e spamable.
[DMG] Crusader Strike - acuma e usable in toate specurile si genereaza un HP.


2. Spec

(2v2) Denounce build

(3v3) Balanced build

(ALL) Multi-purpose build

(BG) Battleground build

3. Glyphs

Prime Glyphs:

Glyph of Seal of Insight
Glyph of Word of Glory
Glyph of Holy Shock

Major Glyphs:

Glyph of Turn Evil
Glyph of Cleansing
Glyph of Beacon of Light / Glyph of Divine Plea

Minor Glyphs:

Glyph of Insight
Glyph of Blessing of Kings
Glyph of Justice

4. Tips & Tricks


- Pozitionarea e cea mai importanta la hpala. Foloseste-te de LOS si OUT OF RANGE cat mai mult.
- Fugi de melee classes. Au short range la CC-uri.
- Max. range fata de healeri / casteri. Tine /focus pe ei si fii atent la ei, indiferent ce faci.
- LOS cand se casteaza ceva pe tine. Faptul ca eviti CC-uri si ai healuri puternice simplifica lupta.
- Nu lasa healerii sa manance. Tine-i in combat cu Taunt / Judgement.
- Speed of Light+H. Radiance pt a face CC mai rapid, a intra in LOS cu partenerii, a alerga healerii. Costa multa mana, so use it wisely.


- Fake-casting !
- Sacrifice cand urmeaza sa primesti CC-uri ce se "sparg" cand iei dmg. Taunt pe peti e la fel de eficient.
- Turn Evil / Holy Wrath pe petii de la warloci / dk-i / dk cu Lichborne pe ei.
- Aura Mastery vs full silence. Daca tii cont de cd-urile lor, vei sti cand sa-l dai.
- Cleanse / Freedom, mai ales pe parteneri.


- Da damage constant pe target.
- Cleanse / Freedom la nevoie pe parteneri ca sa mentina presiune / faca un kill.
- Stun / Rebuke la low hp. Pastreaza-le intotdeauna pt momentul oportun.
- Comunica pe Skype cu partenerii, tine cont de DR (diminishing returns) / CC-urile lor ca sa nu se suprapuna aiurea.

LOS = Line of Sight
CC = Crowd Control
Oot of Range = e atunci cand esti prea departe sa castezi un spell pe cineva

5. Gearing


: 40 intellect
: 20 intellect + 20 crit ( 20 intellect + 20 resil - daca aveti nevoie de resilience)
: 20 intellect + 20 spirit
: 54 intellect + 2% mana


Leatherworking - Draconic Embossment
Net Gain: +130 Int, -50 Int
Jewelcrafting - Brilliant Chimera's Eye x3
Net Gain: +81 Int with current gems
Alchemy - Mixology (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +80 Int
Blacksmithing - Socket Gloves/Bracers
Net Gain: +80 Int (gems)
Enchanting - Enchant Ring - Intellect (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +80 Int
Inscription - Felfire Inscription (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +80 Int
Engineering - Tazik Shocker (wowhead link) / Synapse Springs (wowhead link)
Net Gain: -50 Haste
Tailoring - Lightweave Embroidery (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +580 Int for 15s, -50 Int
Herbalism - Lifeblood (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +480 Haste for 20s / 2min
Skinning - Master of Anatomy (wowhead link)
Net Gain: +80 Crit


Head: Arcanum of Hyjal
Shoulders - Greater Inscr. of Charged Lodestone
Cloak - 50 Int
Chest - 20 Stats
Bracers - 50 Int
Gloves - 50 Haste
Belt - Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
Legs - 95 Int + 80 Stamina / 95 Int + 55 Spirit, in functie de preferinte / stats.
Boots - 50 Haste / Lavawalker
Weapon - Heartsong 15% proc chance.
Shield - 40 Int


- Mergeti pe CRIT daca jucati gen TSG sau Kittycleave, asta pentru ca in mod normal se termina putin mai repede arenele si aveti nevoie de heal masiv.

=> Reforge crit: ~ 20% crit chance, ~ 2000 combat regen.

- Mergeti pe SPIRIT daca jucati alte comp-uri / aveti probleme cu mana / dureaza mult arenele.

=> Reforge spirit: ~ 2500 combat regen, ~ 14% crit.

6. Macros

word of glory (3v3), nomodifier => heal normal, alt=> partener1, shift => partener2 :

#showtooltip Word of Glory
/cast [nomodifier] Word of Glory
/cast [modifier:alt,target=name] Word of Glory
/cast [modifier:shift,target=name] Word of Glory

ALT apasat => self heal; friendly target => heal; enemy target => heal pe targetu lui :

#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Flash of Light; [target=target, help] Flash of Light; [target=targettarget, help] Flash of Light;

#showtooltip Divine Light
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Divine Light; [target=target, help] Divine Light; [target=targettarget, help] Divine Light;

holy shock + righteous defense pe partener vs mage teams

#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast Holy Shock
/cast [noharm,help] Righteous Defense
/stopmacro [harm] [noexists]
/cast Righteous Defense

aura mastery + flash + avenging pt eficienta. nu impart gcd si anunta pe /party "aura mastery" :

#showtooltip Aura Mastery
/cast Aura Mastery
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Flash of Light

cleanse pe mouseover

#showtooltip Cleanse
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Cleanse; Cleanse

spam exorcism pe target-u partenerului, fara sa schimbi target :

#showtooltip Exorcism
/cast [target=targettarget] Exorcism; Exorcism

rebuke pe focus, daca n-ai focus, rebuke normal :

#showtooltip Rebuke
/cast [target=focus, exists] Rebuke; Rebuke

aceiasi chestie ca la rebuke :

#showtooltip Hammer of Justice
/cast [target=focus, exists] hammer of justice; hammer of justice

turn evil pe mouseover, sau turn evil normal :

#showtooltip Turn Evil
/cast [target=mouseover] Turn Evil; Turn Evil

divine plea + cancel divine plea la urmatoarea apasare :

#showtooltip Divine Plea
/cancelaura Divine Plea
/cast Divine Plea

/target pe parteneri (3v3):

/target party1

/target party2

/target pe inamici in arena (de la 1 la 5):

/target Arena1

focus pe mouseover :

/focus [target=mouseover]

7. Keybinds

Astea-s bindurile mele.
De recomandat sa le puneti pe rand ca sa va obisnuiti cu ele.

8. Comps

- 3v3 -

9. Addons

Quartz - modifica / imbunatateste castbars player / target / focus / pet.
OmniCC - arata cd timer pe spells. merge bine impreuna cu losecontrol.
Losecontrol - arata cc-urile pe tine / party / target / focus.
Bartender - extra action bars cu extra stuff.
ButtonFacade - modifica felul in care arata butoanele pe bara.
Gladius - arena unit frames / trinket cd / spec detection, etc.
MoveAnything - poti muta tot ce vezi pe ecran, unde vrei.
Power Auras Classic - addon pt spell track, bufs / debufs, player / target.

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