sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Druid - Restoration PvE


In acest Guide gasiti discutii despre: spec ; glyphs ; gems ; etc. 

Druidu e una din putinele clase cu majoritatea spellurilor instant cast , cea ce il face foarte usor de jucat , nu pierzi timpu pe loc , poti sa fugi ca "disperatu" de probleme si in acelasi timp dai heal linistit si faptu ca majoritatea spellurilor importante sunt instant cast HoT "Healing over time" spells face din Druid una din cele mai bune clase healing. Iar adevarata valoare o arata in encounterele cu AOE dmg.

Cea mai buna rasa pentru Restoration Druid ar fi Troll'u pentru haste'u din raciala ,dar tot Tauren joc..

Primu lucru despre care o sa vorbim va fi:

Sunt zeci de specuri pentru Resto Druid , fiecare in functie de preferintele (fricile) lui isi fac specuri diferite.
gen: spec defensiv , pentru mana conserv , pentru single tarket (tank) healer , sau AOE.

Primul spec cel pentru mana conserv (Low gear):
Moonglow Rank (wowhead link) 3/3 Reduce mana cost of your damage and healing spells by 9% (un procent destul de mare cand ai low regen si low gear)
+ alte talent pentru mana.

Alt spec ar fi cel pentru single target healing (pentru Tank heal):
Am bagat 2/3 in Furor (wowhead link) si nu am bagat in Swift Rejuvenation (wowhead link) (Fiind un talent folosti in AOE healing)
Living Seed (wowhead link) este foarte bun pentru target healing + Nature`s Bounty (wowhead link) creste considerabil sansa de proc.
Nature`s Swiftness (wowhead link) 1/1 in cazul in care situatia scapa de sub control (daca Tank`u ia bucatele mari , un NS + HT instant nu strica) sau un Swiftmend.

Tineti Rejuvenation (wowhead link)`u up , 3x Lifebloom (wowhead link)` up , si dati refresh cu Regrowth (wowhead link) sau Nourish (wowhead link). Nu irositi mana pe Healing Touch (wowhead link) , daca e fight AOE dati si Wild Growth (wowhead link) pe tank (defapt e indicat sa folosesti Wild Growth oricand ai posibilitatea , la CD)
Daca stati bine cu mana si regen`u inlocuiti 3/3 Moonglow (wowhead link) cu 3/3 Genesis (wowhead link) pentru extra heal pe Swiftmend (wowhead link) si HoT`s.

Al trei`lea spec despre care o sa vorbim este cel de AOE healing:
Acest spec este pentru AOE heal si folositil cand aveti gear destul de degent , nu la low gear dar nici chiar la end gear.
Eventual daca aveti probleme cu mana scoateti 3/3 din Genesis (wowhead link) si puneti 3/3 Moonglow (wowhead link).
Am scos din Naturalist (wowhead link) pentru ca e aiurea pentru AOE , nu stai la castat Nourish (wowhead link) iar Healing Touch (wowhead link) nici gand , Nature`s Swiftness (wowhead link) e foarte bunEmpowered Touch (wowhead link) Ajuta la Nature`s Swiftness (wowhead link) impreuna cu un macro destul de simplu:
/cast Nature`s Swiftness
/cast Healing Touch

Efflorescence (wowhead link) Rank 3/3 :e cel mai bine gandit talent pentru AOE heal.
Gift of the Earthmother (wowhead link) 3/3 :aici numa intereseaza final bloom'u de la Lifebloom (wowhead link) ci instant heal'u de la Rejuvenation (wowhead link) tinand cont ca Rejuvenation (wowhead link)folosesti 30% - 50% intr`un AOE fight e un ajutor binevenit pentru 3 talente.

Castati Wild Growth (wowhead link) si Swiftmend (wowhead link) la cooldown pentru Effloresncence proc , Regrowth (wowhead link) si Lifebloom (wowhead link) cand ai timp. Nu uitati de Rejuvenation (wowhead link) care e imba cu Swift Rejuvenation (wowhead link)
Si sa nu uitam de Tranquility (wowhead link) care e un fel de "emergency button"

Am ajuns la o categorie noua , mai exact

Sistemu de glyph`uri s-a schimbat putin de la WotLK la Cataclysm.
Mai exact acum sunt 3 tipuri de glyph`uri.
1. Prime Glyphs
2. Major Glyphs
3. Minor Glyphs

La cele primare folostiti:
Glyph of Rejuvenation
Glyph of Regrowth
Glyph of Swiftmend

La cele majore folositi:
Glyph of Innervate
Glyph of Rebirth
Glyph of Wild Growth

La cele minore folositi:
Glyph of Mark of the Wild
Glyph of the Treant (Asta depinde de preferintele fiecaruia , e mai mult de aspect)
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth

Sa vorbim si despre:

Cele mai importante Stats`uri sunt
Intelect , Spirit , Haste , Crit , Mastery
Intelect`u da Spellpower + Mana
Spirit`u da regen
Haste`u a ramas neschimbat , reduce GCD`u sau castu`.
Mastery (Symbiosis) care nu merita , doar in 4.2 cand va fi Harmony (wowhead link)

Sa vorbim putin despre Haste
Cred ca toata lumea stie ca haste'u pe langa faptu ca reduce GCD (global cooldown) sau reduce cast time`u ajuta si la HoT`s si anume in felu asta.

(Un lucru foarte bun , in WotLK era doar pe Rejuvenation faza cu "tickurile" cu Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation)

Rejuvenation`u are 4 tickuri cu cat ai mai mult haste cu atat cresc tickurile gen:
~1000 haste (~12%) 5 tickuri
~4000 haste (38%) 6 tickuri

(ATENTIE: Haste`u nu afecteaza GCD`u Rejuvenation`ului din moment ce deja are 1sec cu Swift Rejuvenation (wowhead link))

Wild Growth (wowhead link)`u are 7 tickuri
~260 haste (~7%) 8 tickuri
~2000 haste (~21.4%) 9 tickuri
~3746 haste (~35%) 10 tickuri

Regrowth (wowhead link)`u are 3 tickuri
~1400 haste (~16%) 4 tickuri

Lifebloom (wowhead link)`u are 10 tickuri
~0 haste (5% Raid buff) 11 tickuri
~1200 haste (~15%) 12 tickuri
~2400 haste (~25%) 13 tickuri
~3180 haste (35%) 14 tickuri

Soft cap`u e ~1000 haste
Idea e urmatoarea , haste cap e pe la 3800 , cand ajungi la x2 tickuri in plus pe Wild Growth (wowhead link) asta daca folosesti Nature`s Grace (wowhead link)
Dupa ce ajungeti la GCD 1secunda scoateti talentu Swift Rejuvenation (wowhead link) si folositi`l in altceva.

Acu cu noul expansion vei putea tranforma 40% din "Haste , Spirit , Crit , Mastery , etc" in ce stats ai nevoie inafara de Agility , Str , Stamina si Intelect
Asa ca faceti reforging din Mastery in Spirit sau Haste depinde de preferinte (Scapati de mastery sau de cat mai mult mastery , e inutilin 4.0.6 in 4.2 e farte bun)

Despre alegerea gem`urilor
Druidu` se bazeaza pe Intelect si Haste , Haste faci cel putin 1000 cat e soft cap'u din gear.

Prefesii; eu am Jewelcrafting si Enchanting pentru
gem`uri mai exact Brilliant Chimera's Eye si Enchanturile pe Rings.

O lista detailata cu BiS items:

Head: Stormrider's Helm
+578 Stamina
+325 Intellect
+237 Spirit
Meta Socket (socketati intelect)
Blue Socket (socketati intelect)
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 217.

Neck: Wyrmbreaker's Amulet
+322 Stamina
+215 Intellect
+143 Spirit
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 143 (Reforging in haste.)

Shoulders: Stormrider's Mantle
+429 Stamina
+266 Intellect
+191 Spirit
Yellow Socket (socketati intelect)
Socket Bonus: +10 Intellect
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 171 (Reforging in haste.)

Chest: Stormrider's Robes
+578 Stamina
+345 Intellect
Yellow Socket (socketati intelect)
Blue Socket (socketati intelect)
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 217.
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 257 (Reforging in haste.)

Back: Drape of the Twins
+322 Stamina
+215 Intellect
+143 Spirit
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 143.

Wrist: Manacles of the Sleeping Beast
+322 Stamina
+215 Intellect
+143 Spirit
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 143 (Reforging in haste.)

Hands: Stormrider's Handwraps
+429 Stamina
+266 Intellect
+191 Spirit
Red Socket (socketati intelect)
Socket Bonus: +10 Spirit
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 171.

Waist: Belt of the Nightmare
+429 Stamina
+266 Intellect
+171 Spirit
Blue Socket (socketati intelect)
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 191 (Reforging in haste)

Legs: Leggings of Consuming Flames
+578 Stamina
+345 Intellect
+247 Spirit
Red Socket (socketati intelect)
Blue Socket (socketati intelect)
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 227 (Reforging in haste.)

Feet: Nightmare Rider's Boots
+458 Stamina
+266 Intellect
+164 Spirit
Blue Socket (socketati intelect)
Red Socket (socketati intelect)
Increases your mastery rating by 204 (Reforging in haste.)

Ring #1: Security Meansure Alpha
+322 Stamina
+215 Intellect
+143 Spirit
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 143 (Reforging in haste.)

Ring #2: Planetary Band (are random enchant)
...of the Undertow (20.2% chance)
+321 Stamina, +214 Intellect, +143 Haste Rating, +143 Spirit

Main Hand / Staff: Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
+247 Stamina
+165 Intellect
+110 Spirit
Equip: Increases spell power by 2207.
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 110 (Reforging in haste.)

Off Hand: Scepter of Ice
+322 Stamina
+215 Intellect
+143 Spirit
Equip: Increases your mastery rating by 143 (Reforging in haste.)

p.s. Nu socketati haste , faceti rost din reforging de el.

Trinket #1: Fall of Mortality
+363 Intellect
Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to grant 2178 Spirit for 15 sec.

Trinket #2: Jar of Ancient Remedies
Equip: Your healing spells grant Inner Eye, increasing spirit by 116 for 15 sec and stacking up to 5 times.
Use: Grants 7260 mana, but consumes all applications of Inner Eye and prevents Inner Eye from being triggered for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

(v-a urma un edit cu enchanturile si unele plusuri)

Eu unu folosesc de cand joc WotLK
Unde setez Icon Show "Rejuvenation (wowhead link) , Regrowth (wowhead link) , Wild Growth (wowhead link)" cu prioritatile Rejuvenation 99 , Regrowth 98 si Wild Growth 97 (setand aceste prioritati pui care spell sa iti apare pe Grid ca Icon daca sunt mai multe castate pe acea persoana.

Si spre incheiere (in sfarsit)

Ca Resto Druid prima prioritate intr`un AOE encounter este sa ti Rejuvenation pe cat mai multi , sa folosesti Wild Growth la CD si Swiftmend la fel.
Foloseste Decurse si Abolish Poison cand e nevoie.

Intrun raid fie el de 10 sau 25 , un druid e un mare ajutor.

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