sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Warlock - Demonology, PvE

BIS items;

Link: 0/31/10

Sau direct ingame:

/run t,p,a={2,13,23,32,42,52,61,83,113,121,132,142,151,162,172,181,191,3,13,23,32,52,1,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

Talent Specilization;
Demonic Rebirth - iti permite resumonarea "imediata" a petului cand acesta moare.
Felstorm - damageul este redus cu cu 20%
Immolation Aura - damageul a fost redus cu aproximativ 30%
Master Demonologist - mastery crescut cu aproximativ 30%

Prime Glyphs

Glyph of Immolate - Creste damageul periodic facut de Immolate cu 10%
Glyph of Metamorphosis - Creste durata la Metamorphosis cu 6 secunde.
Glyph of Felguard - creste damageul la Legion Strike cu 5%
Major Glyphs

Glyph of Life Tap - Reduce cooldownul spelului cu 0.5 secunde
Glyph of Soul Link - 25% din damage-ul primit de warlock este primit de Pet-ul activ + 5% soul link
Glyph of Shadow Bolt - Reduce costul de mana la Shadow Bolt cu 15%

Minor Glyphs
Alegerea voastra aici
Glyph of Ritual of Souls - Reduce costul de mana la "Ritual of Souls" cu 70%

Prioritar ar fi HIT-UL, daca nu aveti hit cap de 17%:

Pentru affliction Haste > Mastery > Crit > Hit ( peste 17%) > Spirit.
Pentru destruction Mastery = Haste > Crit > Hit (peste 17%) > Spirit
Pentru demonology Haste > Mastery > Crit > Hit (peste 17%) > Spirit


Reforge to Hit -> Pana atingeti capul de 17%
Piesele cu Crit/hit-> Crit reforged tu Mastery
Piesele cu Mastery si Haste -> Raman asa cum sunt
Piesele cu Crit si Hit -> Crit reforge to Haste/Mastery
Piesele cu Haste si Hit -> Hit reforge tu Mastery(in caz ca aveti capul de 17%)

Spell Priority:

Hand of Gul'dan
Bane of Doom
Immolation Aura
Incinerate (If molten core is up)
Soul Burn -> Soul Fire
Soul Fire (If Decimation is up)
Shadow Bolt

Se incepe cu Curse of Elements deoarece ramane un boost important in combinare cu Bane of Doom. Inainte de boss(pull) incepeti cu SoulBurn Pentru Soul Fire sa fie instant, apoi revine rotatia propriu zisa + refresh la dots. Nu uitati cand sunteti langa boss puteti utiliza Shadowflame

Single Target: Curse of Elements>Bane of Doom>Corruption>Metamorphosis>Demon Soul(specific Sucubus pentru single target)>Immolate>Hand of Gul'dan> Immolation Aura> Incinerate( Molten core proc )>Soul Fire (If Decimation is up)> Refresh la dots cu Hand of Gul'dan la cd >Shadow Bolt
AOE: Metamorphosis(daca e cazul)> Immolation Aura> Rain of Fire> Shadowflame> Hellfire + pet Felstorm(Felguard)

Mai jos am facut 2 scheme la Corruption si Immolate[haste](cum era in wotlk si cum e in cataclysm), se vede clar tot ce trebuie.


Head- Guardians of Hyjal - Revered
Shoulders- Therazane - Exalted
Back- Greater intelect
Chest- Peerles stats
Bracers- Mighty intelect
Arma- Power torrent
Offhand- Superior intelect
Legs- Powerful enchanted spellthread
Boots- Lavawalker
Gloves- Exceptional spellpower

- Volcanic Potion
- Flask of draconic mind
- Severed Sagefish Head

- Tailoring : va oferaLightweave Embroidery (wowhead link) 580 intelect pentru 15 secunde ICD 64 secunde;
-Enchanting : Va ofera 2 enchanturi de 40intelect pe ringuri;
-Engi : Synapse Springs va ofera 480intellect pentru 10secunde(hands);
- Jwc : va orfera 3x Brilliant Chimera`s eye inloc de 3x Brilliant Inferno Ruby;
- Alchemy : aduce o imbunatatire de 80 Intelect;
- Leatherworking : Va ofera Draconic Embossment - Intellect (wowhead link) 130Intelect in loc de 50 pe bracers;
- Bs : Socket bracers + Hands : +80 intelect;
- Scribe : Va ofera Felfire Inscription (wowhead link) Un enchant de 120Intellect/25haste;
- Herbalism : Va ofera Lifeblood (wowhead link) 480 haste o data la 2 minute , pentru 12 secunde;

Meta: Burning Shadowspirit Diamond
Red: Brilliant Inferno Ruby
: Yellow: Reckless Ember Topaz
: Blue: Veiled Demonseye

Head - Crown of the twilight Queen
Neck - Valiona's Medallion
Shoulders - Shadowflame Mantle
Cloak - Shroud of endless grief
Chest - Shadowflame Robes
Bracers - Bracers of the bronze flight
Weapon - Incineratus
Offhand - Book of binding will
Wand - Theresa's Booklight
Hands - Shadowflame Handwraps
Belt - Belt of arcane storms
Legs - Shadowflame leggings
Boots - Einhorn's Galoshes
Ring 1 - Signet of the fifth Circle
Ring 2 - Planetary band
Trinket 1 - Bell of enraging resonance
Trinket 2 - Darkmoon card : Volcano

Quartz - casting bar / buffs / debuffs
ForteXorcist - Cooldown/ DOT tracker/ ICD
SpellFlash Warlock
Necrosis LdC


#showtooltip Felstorm(Special Ability)
/cast Felstorm(Special Ability)
/cast Hellfire

Hands of gul'dan&axe tose
#showtooltip Hand of Gul'dan
/castsequence reset=12 Hand of Gul'dan, Axe Toss(Special Ability)

Summon Felguand
#showtooltip Fel Armor
/cast Soulburn
/castsequence reset=45/target [nomodifier, target=player] Fel Armor, Summon felguard, Soul

Summon felhunter
#showtooltip Soulburn
/cast Soulburn
/castsequence reset=45 Summon felhunter, Soul Link

Dark Intent: E la fel ca focus magic(intre warlock si playerul respectiv), adica castigam 3% haste cat timp Dark Intent este activ.

Poate fi aplicat pe:

- Restoration Druid;
- Holy Priest (healer pe raid);
- Restoration Shaman;
- Holy/ Discipline Priest
- Shadow Priest
- Balance Druid;
- Fire Mage;

Demon Soul: Felguard - Hasteul creste cu 15% iar damageul creste cu 10% pentru 20 sec.
Fel Flame: creste durata la immolate(dots) cu 6 secunde.
Soul Harvest: Pentru recuperarea shardurilor.
Soul Burn : Folosit in special cu Soul Fire.

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