sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Leveling 1-85 Alliance

Level 1-10:

Night Elf:
1.The Balance of Nature
2.Zenn's Bidding
3.Dolanaar Delivery

1.Beating Them Back
2.Lions for Lambs
3.Hero's Call: Westfall

1.Hold the Line
2.Aid for the Wounded
3.Don't Forget About Us
4.Stocking Jetsteam

1.You Survived!
2.Replenishing The Healing Crystals
3.Vindicator Aldar
4.The Emitter
5.The Missing Scout
6.Travel to Azure Watch
7.Beds, Bandages, and Beyond

1.Pinned Down
2.Report to Carvo Blastbolt
3.See to the Survivors
4.Decontamination - AC
5.No Tanks!
6.Staging in Brewnall
7.Paint it Black


Cum sa pleci de la Worgen Start Zone by Fixation33


Level 10-20


-Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm
1."I TAKE Candle!"

-Sentinel Tower
2.Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains!



Redridge Mountains

-Tower Watch
1.Franks and Beans

2.Nida's Necklace



Level 20-40


1.The Night Watch
2.Bones That Walk



Stranglethorn Jungle

-Rebel Camp
1.Bad Medicine
2.The Source of the Madness


The Cape of Stranglethorn

-Explorers' League Digsite
1.Zanzil's Secret
2.Recipe for Disaster
Amandoua se fac in Ruins of Aboraz
3.Akiris by the Bundle
4.If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...



Dustwallow Marsh

1.Bloodfen Feathers
2.Catch a Dragon by the Tail



Level 40-58

Eastern Plaguelands

-Light's Hope Chapel
1.Smokey and the Bandage
2.Victory From Within - AC

-Eastwall Tower
1.The Corpulent One




1.Puddle Stomping
2.Seaside Salvage

-Bootlegger Outpost
1.Gazer Tag
2.A Few Good Goblins



Blasted Lands

-Nethergarde Keep
1.Our Fallen Friends

-Dreadmaul Hold
1.A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too

-The Dark Portal
1.Through the Dark Portal

Level 59-69


Hellfire Peninsula

-The Stair of Destiny
1.Arrival in Outland
2.Journey to Honor Hold


-Honor Hold
1.Unyielding Souls
2.Waste Not, Want Not
3.Looking to the Leadership


Terokkar Forest

-Allerian Stronghold
1.Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know

-Cenarion Thicket
2.Strange Energy



-Nesingwary Safari
1.Windroc Mastery
2.Clefthoof Mastery
3.Talbuk Mastery
4.Windroc Mastery
5.Clefthoof Mastery



Level 68-80


Borean Tundra

-Valiance Keep
1.Enemies of the Light
2.Further Investigation
3.The Hunt is On


5.Military? What Military?
6.Pernicious Evidence
7.It's Time For Action
8.Fruits Of Our Labor - AC
9.One Last Delivery
10.Weapons For Farshire
11.Call to Arms ! - AC
12.Take No Chances




-Wyrmrest Temple
1.Seeds of the Lashers

-Emerald Dragonshrine
2.Cycle of Life



-The Argent Stand
1.Gluttonous Lurkers
2.Trouble at the Altar of Sseratus
3.Too Much of a Good Thing
4.Congratulations - AC
5.The Drakkari Do Not Need Water Elementals!
6.Parachutes for the Argent Crusade

7.Plundering Their Own
8.The Frozen Earth
9.Bringing Down Heb'Jin



Sholazar Basin

-Nesingwary base camp
1.A Steak Fit for a Hunter
2.It Could Be Anywhere!
3.Venture Co. Misadventure
4.Wipe That Grin Off His Face



Level 80-85

1. 80-81 Valhalas - Icecrown
Questurile sunt Battle at Valhalas: Fallen Heroes, Battle at Valhalas: Khit'rix the Dark Master, Battle at Valhalas: The Return of Sigrid Iceborn, Battle at Valhalas: Carnage!, Battle at Valhalas: Thane Deathblow, Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge ele incep la Geirrvif - 1 si se termina la Gjonner the Merciless - 1 (auto-complete).

2. 81-82 + reputatie cu Guardians of Hyjal - Mount Hyjal
Incepem cu Inciting the Elements si The Earth Rises, care sunt questuri din imediata apropiere a locului unde te da portalul din Stormwind in Hyjal si incep la Tholo Whitehoof - 1 respectiv Anren Shadowseeker - 1 din Nordrassil.
Dupa Inciting the Elements, Tholo Whitehoof ofera questul Flames from Above - 1 care e auto-complete.
Ultimele doua questuri sunt End of the Supply Line si In the Rear With the Gear care incep la Jadi Falaryn - 1, 2 din Wolf's Run.

3. 82-83 + reputatie cu Therazane si The Earthen Ring - Deepholm
Primele questuri sunt The Earth Claims All si Blood of the Earthwarder de la Seer Kormo din Temple of Earth.
Continuam cu Explosive Bonding Compound si Something that Burns de la Initiate Goldmine - 1, 2 din Quartzite Basin.
Incheiem cu Core of Our Troubles de la Earthmender Norsala - 1, 2 si Hatred Runs Deep de la Diamant the Patient - 1, 2.

4. 83-84 + reputatie cu Ramkahen - Uldum
Incepem in Ramkahen cu questul Nahom Must Hold de la King Phaoris - SS, The Gleam in his Eye de la Adarrah - 1 si questurile The Vizier's Vote, The High Priest's Vote, The High Commander's Vote de la Prince Nadun - 1, 2, 3.
Acum mergem la NPC-ul care termina The High Priest's Vote (High Priest Amet - 1 (Intrare)), completam si luam quest-ul Stopping the Spread - 1 care este auto-complete.
Continuam cu The Vizier's Vote, mergem la Vizier Tanotep - 1, dam complete si luam si completam questul Tanotep's Son - 1.
Apoi dam complete la The High Commander's Vote - 1 si mergem la Salhet - 1 care finalizeaza quest-ul Nahom Must Hold. Il completam si luam questurile The Defense of Nahom care e auto-complete si The Cypher of Keset.
Terminam cu The Gleam in his Eye; mergem la Harrison Jones dam complete la quest si luam Tailgunner - 1 care este auto-complete si I've Got This Guy - 1.

5. 84-85 + reputatie cu Wildhammer Clan - Twilight Highlands
Incepem in Kirthaven cu questurile Something Brewed, Something Stewed, Something Bold de la Lachlan MacGraff si Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding de la Grundy MacGraff.
Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding se completeaza automat cand vorbesti cu Kurdran Wildhammer - 1, iar Something Brewed se completeaza automat cand vorbesti cu Wildhammer Lookout - 1.
Terminam in Thundermar cu questurile Magmalord Falthazar, Beer Run de la Colin Thundermar - 1, 2, Beer Run - How To (la fel ca Something Brewed), Last Stand at Thundermar, Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer (Atentie, trebuie facut intai questul Last Stand at Thundermar pentru a putea lua Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer) de la Colin Thundermar - 1, 2 (sunt 2 Colin Thundermar, dar au questuri diferite), Warlord Halthar is Back de la Craw MacGraw - 1, Hot Stuff, Tempered in Elemental Flame de la Nivvet Channelock - 1, 2 si Fight Like a Wildhammer de la Low Shaman Blundy; sunt 2 questuri cu acest nume, una daily si una normala, le luati pe amandoua odata si le completati la acest npc Wildhammer Keg Quest Tracker - 1.

- Train - poti sa mergi la class-trainer pentru a da train
- Mount - poti sa mergi sa inveti skillul de riding
- Grind - omori un numar de mobi pentru a avea nivelul necesar pentru urmatoarea zona
- AC - questul este auto-complete

*Click pe numele zonei pentru a vedea o harta a zonei respective
*Inspirat din WOTLK Level 1-80 Horde (XP 20x)

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