In primul rand in Cataclysm la priest sau adauga niste Talente / Spelluri noi. Incepand de la acest argument asta este o lista cu ele:
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Evangelism Rank 2
When you cast Smite, Holy Fire or Mind Flay you gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 20 sec. Evangelism (Smite, Holy Fire) Increases the damage done by your Smite, Holy Fire, and Penance spells by 4% and reduces the mana cost of those spells by 6%. Dark Evangelism (Mind Flay) Increases the damage done by your Periodic Shadow spells by 2%. |
Cand castezi Smite / Mind Flay(pe Shadow Tree) castigi stackuri de Evangelism (pana la 5 stackuri) care iti mareste damage dat pe Smite/Holy Fire/Penance de 4% si reduce mana cost la aceste 3 spelluri de 6%.
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Consumes your Evangelism effects, causing an effect depending on what type of Evangelism effect is consumed: Archangel (Evangelism) Instantly restores 1% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 3% for each stack. Lasts for 18 sec. 30 sec cooldown. Dark Archangel (Dark Evangelism) Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases the damage done by your Mind Flay, Mind Spike, Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death by 4% for each stack. Lasts for 18 sec. 90 sec cooldown. |
Cand ajungi la 5 stackuri de Evangelism iti poti activa Archangel care iti consuma cele 5 stackuri de Evangelism da iti da un buff care dureaza 18 sec. si are 30sec CD. Acest buff iti da 1% mana inapoi si iti mareste healul dat pe durata buffului cu 3% pentru fiecare stack adik 15% la 5 stackuri, de asta e sugerat tot timpul a fi folosit la 5 stackuri pentru o eficienta mai mare.
Aceste 2 spelluri sunt legate de Atonement care atunci cand tu dai damage cu Smite dai un anumit % din damage dat sub forma de heal la un player din party/raid group care are cea mai putina viata pe un range de 15yards. Daca healul dat este tot pe tine (adica ti'ai dat autoheal prin Atonement) efectul este redus pe jumatate.
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Atonement Rank 2
When you deal damage with Smite or Holy Fire, you instantly heal a nearby low health friendly target within 15 yards from the enemy target equal to a percentage of the damage dealt. If the Priest is healed through Atonement, the effect is reduced in half. |
Astea ar fi niste schimbari majore in Talent Tree'ul de la Discipline. O alta chestie complet noua ar fi Leap of Faith care este un fel de Death Grip ca la Death Knight cu unica diferenta ca asta "trage" un party/raid member cu un range maxim de 40yards si 1.5min CD.
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Leap of Faith
13% of base mana 40 yd range Instant 3 sec cooldown You pull the spirit of the friendly party or raid target to you, instantly moving them directly in front of you. |
1.Trecand de la spelluri / talente ajungem la Statusurile principale pe care ne bazam. In ordinea importantei avem:
Intellect ---> Mastery ----> Spirit ----> Critical ----> Haste
Intellect: In Cataclysm intelectu face in principal 3 lucruri:
1. Mareste Mana Pool
2. Mareste Spell Power
3. Mareste Critical Rating
E cel mai important stat pt ca mai ales la inceput cand nu se va avea un nivel medium de gear se vor avea probleme foarte mari cu mana.
Mastery: Pentru priestu discipline mastery joaca un rol foarte important pentru ca fiecare punct de mastery mareste absorbul generat de Power Word: Shield si Divine Aegis de 2.5%.
Spirit: De aici vine tot mana regeneration care il avem, sau aproape tot
Critical: Tinand cont ca Divine Aegis se procuie pe crituri avem nevoie de statu bine inteles pentru a da mai mult heal cu toate celelalte spelluri.
Haste: Devenind ultima noastra preocupare Haste nu e chiar necesar...e bine sa aveti in jur de 4-6% da numai daca nu tre sa faceti "sacrificii" din celelalte statusuri.
Am sa fac o mica paranteza pentru Reforging prin explicand cam ce rol are si ce poate face.
Reforging este o noua inovatie in Cataclysm care iti permite sa schimbi 40% dintr-un stat care il ai pe un item intru alt stat. Adica daca tu ai 100 Mastery pe un staff poti sa mergi cu el la NPC de Reforge si poti sa schimbi 40 de Mastery in Critical de exemplu. Reforging este foarte bun deoarece ne permite sa castigam Mastery/Spirit/Critical din Haste'ul care cineva il poate avea in plus sau un orice alt stat care e over cap.
2. Gems / Enchants
Red Sockets: (pentru cine are Jewelcrafting) daca nu
Yellow Sockets:
Blue Sockets:
Meta: Aveti cateva alegeri: sau
Head: ---> Mount Hyjal ---> Faction: Guardians of Hyjal
Shoulderi: -----> Deepholm ---> Faction: Therazane
Back: Pentru cine are tailoring: (wowhead link) sau; pentru cine nu: sau
Arma: sau
Belt: (se face cu Blacksmithing)
Pants: sau (se fac cu Tailoring)
Rings: (wowhead link) pentru cine are Enchanting
3. Consumabile
Flask: sau in cazul in care aveti probleme cu mana regeneration:
Food: sau sau feastul care ne da intellect
Potions: si
4. Talent Tree
5. Macros
Power Infusion + Inner Focus + Prayer of Healing
Citat: |
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast [combat,@player]Power Infusion /cast [combat]Inner Focus /cast Prayer of Healing /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 |
Smite / Atonement ----> Permite sa castezi Smite pt. a da heal prin Atonement, avand targetul pe un party/raid member
Citat: |
/cast [@mouseovertarget, harm] [@mouseover, harm] [@targettarget, harm] [harm] Smite |
Inner Focus + Greater Heal
Citat: |
/cast Inner Focus
/cast Greater Heal |
Disc Priest VS Shamy Resto & Druid Resto
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