sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Warlock - Affliction, PvE

Prescurtari :
Sbolt - Shadow bolt
SB - Soul Burn
DS - Demon Soul
AoE - Area of Effect

Spelluri noi

1. Soulburn (wowhead link) - Acest spel va boosteaza urmatoarele abilitati :
- Soul Fire - Instant cast
- Pet summon - Echivalentul a Fel Domination (wowhead link) , urmatorul demon va fi summonat instant
- Drain life - Reduce cast speed cu 60%
- Demonic Circle - 50% movement speed pentru 8 secunde de la teleport
- Healthstone - Va mareste health pool-ul cu 20% pentru 8 secunde
- Searing pain - 100% crit chance la searing pain , acest chance micsoranduse cu cat castati mai multe searing pains.
- Seed of corruption ( Affliction talent ) - Cand se detoneaza seed of corruption , va lasa corruption pe toate targets

2. Dark Intent (wowhead link) - Cand persoana care are dark intent pe ea ( De obicei un Rdruid ) da crit cu un hot / dot , tu si acel player primiti 3% dmg / heal la hots /dots , acest buff stackanduse de 3 ori

3. Demon Soul (wowhead link) - Cel mai important offensive cd , este folosit des cu trinket / enchants procs

4. Fel Flame (wowhead link) - Acest spel este folosit doar cand se procuie 4p t11 bonus sau cand sunteti in miscare , in rest este useless.

5. Soul Harvest (wowhead link) - Un fel de evocation care va regenereaza soul shards si hp . Se poate folosii doar in afara combatului

1. Specs / Glyphs

Sbolt Affliction

Glyphs : Prime glyphs - Glyph of Haunt
- Glyph of Unstable Affliction
- Glyph of Corruption

Major - Soul swap
- Life tap
- Sbolt

Nu are rost sa vorbesc de minor glyphs , pentru ca sunt useless.

Spec atat pentru single target cat si pentru aoe

Glyphs: Prime - Imolate
- Metamorphosis
- Felguard ( AoE fights )
- Incinerate (Pentru single target)

Major :- Life tap
- Sbolt

Spec pentru single target cat si pentru AoE

Glyphs : Prime - Conflagrate
- Imolate ( boosteaza conflagrate damadge )
- Imp

Major - Life tap , celelalte chiar nu conteaza pentru destro

2. Dps specs / Demons / Pets

Dps specs : - Deep demo ( pentru 10% sp buff ) > Affliction > Destruction


Affliction - Felhunter
Demonology (Single Target) - Felhunter
Demonology (AoE) - Felguard
Destruction - Imp

Pe cataclysm , Warlocks primesc alti " demoni " , numiti guardians si ei vor fi folositi in modul urmator :

Single Target : Doomguard
AoE: Infernal

3. Dps Rotations

Pentru single target :

Curse of elements > Haunt > Bane of Doom > Corruption > Demon Soul ( In momentul acesta s-au procuit trinketele / t11 bonus / enchants si va ofera 20% dmg in plus la dots ) > Shadowflame cand va miscati ( Fel flame la fel ) > Drain soul cu refresh la Haunt cand targetul este sub 25%

Rotatie pentru aoe :

Soulburn : Seed of corruption > Dots pe un target > Soul swap pe altul > Shadowflame

Single target : Meta > Demon Soul (felguard ) > Imolate > Hand of Gul'dan > Bane of Doom > Imolation aura > Corruption > Incinerate ( Molten core proc ) > Soul Fire ( Decimation proc ) > Refresh la dots cu hand of gul'dan la cd > Shadow bolt ca filler

AoE : Meta > Imolation aura > Shadowflame > Helfire

Single target : Coe > Soulburn : Soulfire ( trebuie mentinut mereu pentru Improved Soul Fire (wowhead link) ) > Demon soul > Imolate > Conflag > Bane of Doom > Chaos bolt > Soul fire instant ( Improved Imp )

Aoe : Shadowflame > Rain of fire

Intellect >> Hit (pana la 1742 rating / 17% ) > Haste > Crit > Mastery

Brilliant Inferno Ruby In red sockets sau in celelalte daca socket bonusul va ofera mai putin de 20 intelect
Artful Ember Topaz sauReckless Ember topaz in yellow sockets
Veiled Demonseye in blue sockets
Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamnond sau Burning shadowspirit diamond in meta socket

Enchants :

Head- Guardians of Hyjal - Revered
Shoulders- Therazane - Exalted
Back- Greater intelect
Chest- Peerles stats
Bracers- Mighty intelect
Arma- Power torrent
Offhand- Superior intelect
Legs- Powerful enchanted spellthread
Boots- Lavawalker
Gloves- Exceptional spellpower

Flasks & Potions & Food :

- Volcanic Potion
- Flask of draconic mind
- Severed Sagefish Head

Class Choice : Pentru Horde - Goblin ( 1% haste ) / Orc ( Increased Pet dmg / Sp buff )
Pentru Ally - Worgen ( 1% crit )

- Ambele sunt strict pentru pve

Profesii care va boosteaza dpsul :

- Tailoring : +580 sp pentru 15 secunde , 45 secunde icd.
-Enchanting : +80 intelect
-Engi : Cogwheels (+ 80 intelect)
- Jwc : +80 intelect
- Alchemy : + 80 intelect
- Leatherworking : +80 intelect
- Bs : Socket bracers + Hands : +80 intelect
- Scribe : +80 intelect fata de celelalte enchants
- Herbalism : 480 haste o data la 2 minute , pentru 12 secunde

Cea mai buna combinatie este Alchemy + eng

4. Reforging

Pentru affliction Haste > Mastery > Crit > Hit ( peste 17%) > Spirit.

Pentru destruction Mastery = Haste > Crit > Hit (peste 17%) > Spirit

Pentru demonology Haste > Mastery > Crit > Hit (peste 17%) > Spirit

Daca nu aveti hit cap ( 6% pentru dungeons , 17% pentru instante ) , schimbati pe cat posibil haste /crit / mastery pentru a obtine hit capul .

5.BiS List

Head - Crown of the twilight Queen
Neck - Valiona's Medallion
Shoulders - Shadowflame Mantle
Cloak - Shroud of endless grief
Chest - Shadowflame Robes
Bracers - Bracers of the bronze flight
Weapon - Incineratus
Offhand - Book of binding will
Wand - Theresa's Booklight
Hands - Shadowflame Handwarps
Belt - Belt of arcane storms
Legs - Shadowflame leggings
Boots - Einhorn's Galoshes
Ring 1 - Signet of the fifth Circle
Ring 2 - Planetary band
Trinket 1 - Bell of enraging resonance
Trinket 2 - Darkmoon card : Volcano


1. Quartz - casting bar / buffs / debuffs
2. ForteXorcist - ICD / Cooldown / Dot tracker
3. Recount - Damadge / Healing meter

7. Reputation Guide

1.Guardians of Hyjal (Aflati in Hyjal )
- Arcanum of Hyjal

2.The Earthen Ring (Aflati in Vasjh'ir )
- Head
- Cloak
- Hands

3.Ramkahem (Aflati in Uldum)
- Chest
- Boots

4.Therazane (Aflati in Deepholm)
- Ring
- Shoulder Enchant

5. Dragonmaw Clan (Aflati in Twilight Highlands )
- Ring 2
- Neck

6.Hellscreams's Reach (Aflati in Tol Barad )
- Staff
- Trinket

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