sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Rogue - Subtlety, PvP

4.0.6. Rogue Subtlety Guide




Cel mai folosit spec pentru rogue in Cataclysm este Subtlety.
De ce ?
-Mobilitate (Shadowstep )
-Preparation ( Reset la Vanish , Sprint , Shadowstep + [Smoke bomb si Disarm] daca ai gliphul de Preparation)
-Shadow Dance

In noul expansion al celor de la Blizzard Entertainment ( Cataclysm ) , rogue-ul primeste noi abilitati , pe care voi incerca sa le explic mai jos.

Smoke Bombhttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=76577 (wowhead link)
-Spell-ul acesta este probabil cel mai folositor pentru un rogue , cu el poti sa faci o diversitate de lucruri:
*Dai smoke bomb-ul in locul in care e target-ul tau asfel incat acesta sa nu poate primi heal.
*Dai smoke bomb-ul locul in care e target-ul tau asfel incat sa nu fi atacat de range dps in timp ce il burstezi.
*Dai smoke bomb-ul locul in care e un amic asfel incat acesta sa nu fie atacat de range dps cand e low hp.
*Dai smoke bomb-ul ca sa nu poti fi atacat de un range dps si incerci sa fortezi un stealth.
*Dai smoke bomb-ul ca sa eviti CC.
Note:Daca in smoke bomb se afla 2 inamici , acestia isi pot da heal.
Daca in smoke bomb se afla melee , acestia te pot ataca.

Recuperatehttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73651 (wowhead link)
-Heal-ul rogue-ului , eu il tin mereu sus.

Redirecthttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73981 (wowhead link)
-Faci combo points pe un target , schimbi target-ul , castezi Redirect si primesti combo points-urile pe noul target.

Combat Readinesshttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74001 (wowhead link)
-Bun contra melee / hunteri , dar si contra petilor de la hunter/lock/priest care dau physical damage.


Spec-urile cele mai folosite:

8/2/31(Spec de supravietuire)http://www.wowhead.com/talent#fchbZbZfGccdkcRho
8/2/31(Spec intre supravietuire si damage mare )http://wowtal.com/#k=kKjSHNCb_.b0w.rogue.
10/0/31(Spec pentru damage mai mare ca primele doua , desi sansele de supravietuire sunt mai mici )http://wowtal.com/#k=Yf2sdQc0d.b0w.rogue.


Astea vad ca sunt cele mai folosite si cele mai bune.

Prime:Glyph of Backstabhttp://www.wowhead.com/item=42956
Glyph of Hemorrhagehttp://www.wowhead.com/item=42967
Glyph of Shadow Dancehttp://www.wowhead.com/item=45764

Major:Glyph of Preparationhttp://www.wowhead.com/item=42968
Glyph of Blindhttp://www.wowhead.com/item=64493
Glyph of Garrotehttp://www.wowhead.com/item=42964

Minor:aici poti folosi ce doresti , eu personal folosesc glyph of sprinthttp://www.wowhead.com/item=42974


Stats-urile prioritare pentru subtlety sunt : hit 5% > crit > haste > mastery > expertise
Nu dai reforge la hit decat daca ai peste 5% , pe fiecare item pe care ai deja crit dai reforge la haste.



+54 Agility and 3% Increased Critical Damagehttp://www.wowhead.com/item=68778
+54 Crit Rating and 1% Spell Reflect http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73472 (wowhead link)

Sincer eu prefer +54 Agility si 3% Increased Critical Damage.

+40 Agility http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73336 (wowhead link)


+20 Agility and +20 Increased Critical Strike Damage http://www.wowhead.com/item=52209
+20 Agility and +20 Haste Rating http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73368 (wowhead link)

+20 Agility and +20 Hit Rating http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73357 (wowhead link)

Okay , daca nu ai destul hit ( 5 % ) bagi d-astea , daca ai 5% bagi +40 Agility in slot-urile Purple.


Head+65 Agility and +35 Resiliencehttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=73357 (wowhead link) - Il cumperi cu 1000 honor din Stormwind / Orgrimmar sau cu 40 marks de Tol Barad.(Se merita mai mult pe honor zic eu .)
Shoulders+50 Agility and +25 resilience rating http://www.wowhead.com/item=68774
Cloak+65 Critical Strike ratinghttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74247 (wowhead link)
+50 Critical Strike ratinghttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74247 (wowhead link)
+22 Agilityhttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=60663 (wowhead link)
Chest+20 Stats http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74250 (wowhead link)
+ 20 Resilience http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74214 (wowhead link)
Legs+190 Attack Power and + 55 Critical Strike Rating http://www.wowhead.com/item=56550
Hands+50 Haste Rating http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74198 (wowhead link)
Bracers+65 Haste Rating http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74256 (wowhead link)
+50 Critical Strike Rating http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74201 (wowhead link)
+50 Agilityhttp://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=96264 (wowhead link)
Boots + 35 Agility http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74213 (wowhead link)
Main Weapon 1000 Attack Power Proc http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74246 (wowhead link)
Off-hand Pyrium Weapon Chain - reduce efectul disarmului si ofera 40 Hit http://wow.freakz.ro/cata_spells.php?spell=74246 (wowhead link)


Main Hand Aici poti sa folosesti Wound Poison ( reduce healing-ul pe target cu 10% ) , Mind Nubing ( mareste cast time-ul target-ului cu 30 % ) sau poti sa folosesti Instant Poison pentru mai mult damage.
Off-handAici pui neaparat Crippling ( 70 % slow pe target )
ThrownCrippling (Dai fan of knives si pui crippling pe toti din jur)


O mica lista cu addon-urile care ma ajuta pe mine in pvp.

1.Gladiatus(cred ca toata lumea il stie)
2.Combo Watch ( setezi unde sa iti apara niste cifre care corespund cu valoarea combo points-urilor)
3.TidyPlates (arata debuff-urile inamicilor deasupra lor si cool name plates )
4.GladiatorlosSA(pur si simplu' te anunta prin voce cand un inamic foloseste vreun cooldown gen:Recklesness , Trinket , Shadow Dance , sau cand casteaza un CC )


Macrourile care mi se par cele mai utile.

/cast Sap

Tricks of the Trade

/cast [target=(numele.celui.pe.care.vrei.sa.castezi.)] Tricks of The trade

Shadow Dance macro

Macro-ul acesta e foarte bun , mai ales daca targetul este sub 60% hp , e posibil sa il omori.

/use **Trinket**
/cast Shadowstep
/cast Shadow Dance
/cast Ambush


Dupa ce dai primul Ambush , spam-eaza Ambush-ul pana iesi din Shadow Dance.
Poate te intrebi de ce dam aiurea Shadowstepu'?Pai shadowstepu' da un buff cand il dai care da increase la critical strike de la Ambush daca nu ma insel.
E optim sa folosesti macro-ul asta cand esti full energy ca sa poti prinde sigur 3 Ambush-uri(fiecare o sa fie intre 15-35k poate si mai mult depinde de gearul tau dar si de gearul adversarului.)

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Blind

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Gouge

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Kick

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Sap

(asta e bun in Shadow Dance, daca focus target nu e in combat)

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Redirect
/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead][]Kidney Shot

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