sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Unholy Death Knight PvE Guide


  1. Stats

    1. Stat caps
    2. Stat priorities
    3. Stat weights

  2. Talents

    1. Glyphs
    2. Talent Build

  3. Playstyle

    1. Priorities
    2. Consumables
    3. Professions
    4. Useful Macros / AddOns

  4. Gearing

    1. Enchanting
    2. Gemming
    3. Reforging

  5. Bis List

  1. Stat caps

    Expertise cap: 26(781); Daca esti human si porti sword sau mace / orc si porti axe / dwarf si porti mace > vei avea nevoie doar de 23(691)
    1 Expertise = 30 Expertise Rating

    Hit Cap: 8% (960) pentru a nu da miss pe bossi(88 Level), daca esti draenei atunci vei avea nevoie doar de 7% (840) datorita racialei.
    1% Hit = 120 Hit rating

  2. Stat priorities

    Strength > Hit to cap > Haste > Mastery > Expertise to cap > Critical Strike rating > Agility

  3. Stat weights

    ilvl 359:
    Strength - 2,96
    Hit - 1,08
    Haste - 0,86
    Mastery - 0,82
    Expertise - 0,72
    Critical strike - 0,66

    ilvl 372:
    Strength - 3,10
    Hit - 1,10
    Haste - 1,01
    Mastery - 0,90
    Expertise - 0,82
    Critical strike - 0,76

  1. Glyphs:

    Prime Glyphs: Glyph of Death Coil, Glyph of Scourge Strike, Glyph of Raise Dead
    Major Glyphs: Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell, Glyph of Dark Succor, Glyph of Pestilence
    Minor Glyphs: Glyph of Blood Tap, Glyph of Horn of Winter, Glyph of Path of Frost

  2. Talent build:


    Ingame Script:

/run t,p,a={3,23,33,41,63,72,81,92,103,121,133,141,162,171,182,193,201,1,12,33,42,2,12,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

  1. Priorities:

    1. Diseases (Frost Fever, Blood Plague)
    2. Dark Transformation
    3. Death and Decay / Scourge Strike (daca ambele rune Unholy/Death sunt "Ready-to-use")
    4. Festering Strike (daca ambele rune Frost/Blood sunt "Ready-to-use")
    5. Death Coil cu Sudden Doom proc sau Runic Power mare
    6. Death and Decay / Scourge Strike
    7. Festering Strike
    8. Blood Tap
    9. Death Coil
    10. Horn of Winter

    Diseases: La inceput incearca sa aplici diseaseurile cu Outbreak daca nu este pe cooldown. In caz contrar foloseste Icy Touch si Plague Strike.
    Scourge Strike produce 36% din damageul fizic ca shadow damage daca sunt amandoua diseaseurile aplicate(18% pe disease). Diseaseurile aplica de asemenea Ebon Plague pe target, ceea ce creste damageul dat de ele cu 30% si tot damageul magic primit de target cu 8%.

    Festering Strike: transforma runele folosite in Death Runes si creste durata diseaseurilor pe target cu 6 Secunde.

    Dark Transformation: cand folosesti Death Coil Ghoulul tau primeste 1 stach de "Shadow Infusion". Cand acesta are 5 stackuri poti folosi Dark Transofmation pentru a mari damageul Ghoulului si a ii "amplifica" abilitatile.

  2. Consumables:

    Flask: Flask of Titanic Strength
    Potion: Golemblood Potion
    Food: Beer-Basted Crocolisk sau Fortune Cookie

  3. Professions:

    Alchemy: +80 Strength @ Flask of Titanic Strenght si durata marita la toate consumabilele produse de Alchemysti.

    Blacksmithing: +2 Extra Sockets(Gloves & Bracers) > 80 Strength(2x Blood Inferno Ruby)

    Enchanting: +2x Ring Enchants(+40 Strength pe fiecare Ring)

    Engineering: 480 Strength pentru 10 secunde; 1 minut CD(Synapse Springs)

    Herbalism: Lifeblood - 480 haste pentru 20 de secunde cu un CD de 2 minute.

    Inscription: Lionsmane Inscription - 80 Strenght in plus fata de enchantul de la Therazane

    Mining: 120 Stamina

    Skinning: 80 Critical Strike Rating

    Tailoring: Shordguard Embroidery - 1000 AP pentru 15 secunde cu un CD de 45 de secunde.

  4. Useful Macros / AddOns

#showtooltip Scourge Strike
/cast [target=pettarget,harm,nodead][] Claw
/cast Scourge Strike

#showtooltip Summon Gargoyle
/cast Unholy Frenzy
/cast Summon Gargoyle
/use Golemblood Potion
/use 16

  1. Enchanting:
    Head - Arcanum of the Wildhammer (Alliance), Arcanum of the Dragonmaw (Horde)
    Shoulder - Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone sau Lionsmane Inscription daca esti Inscriptioner
    Back - Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike sau Shordguard Embroidery daca esti Tailor.
    Chest - Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
    Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Major Strength sau Draconic Embossment daca esti Leatherworker.
    Hands - Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strength, Synapse Springs daca esti Engineer.
    Legs - Dragonscale Leg Armor
    Boots - Enchant Boots - Haste
    Ring - Enchant Ring - Strength x2, doar daca esti Enchanter.
    Weapon - Rune of Fallen Crusader

  2. Gemming

    Red - Bold Inferno Ruby, 3x Bold Chimera's Eye daca esti Jewelcrafter
    Yellow - Fierce Ember Topaz
    Blue - Etched Demonseye
    Meta-gem - Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond

    Tot timpul vei folosi Bold Inferno Ruby indiferent de culoarea socketului. Daca Socket Bonusul este de +20 Strength sau o cantitate mare dintr-un stat secundar(gen 40-50 Haste/mastery) atunci poti juca la Socket Bonus pe itemul acela.

  3. Reforging

    Daca nu esti hit capped poti da reforge la staturile mai putin importante(Crit/Expertise, eventual Mastery) in hit.
    Acelasi lucru si in cazul Expertiseului.
    Nu da niciodata reforge la HASTE!!!. Poti da(si este indicat) reforge la staturile mai putin importante / surplusuri(hit/expertise) in haste. Daca itemul are deja haste pe el este indicat sa dai reforge in mastery.

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