- Stats
- Stat caps
- Stat priorities
- Stat weights
- Stat caps
- Talents
- Glyphs
- Talent Build
- Glyphs
- Playstyle
- Priorities
- Consumables
- Professions
- Useful Macros / AddOns
- Priorities
- Gearing
- Enchanting
- Gemming
- Reforging
- Enchanting
- Bis List
- Stat caps
Expertise cap: 26(781); Daca esti human si porti sword sau mace / orc si porti axe / dwarf si porti mace > vei avea nevoie doar de 23(691)
1 Expertise = 30 Expertise Rating
Hit Cap: 8% (960) pentru a nu da miss pe bossi(88 Level), daca esti draenei atunci vei avea nevoie doar de 7% (840) datorita racialei.
1% Hit = 120 Hit rating
- Stat priorities
Strength > Hit to cap > Haste > Mastery > Expertise to cap > Critical Strike rating > Agility
- Stat weights
ilvl 359:
Strength - 2,96
Hit - 1,08
Haste - 0,86
Mastery - 0,82
Expertise - 0,72
Critical strike - 0,66
ilvl 372:
Strength - 3,10
Hit - 1,10
Haste - 1,01
Mastery - 0,90
Expertise - 0,82
Critical strike - 0,76
- Glyphs:
Prime Glyphs: Glyph of Death Coil, Glyph of Scourge Strike, Glyph of Raise Dead
Major Glyphs: Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell, Glyph of Dark Succor, Glyph of Pestilence
Minor Glyphs: Glyph of Blood Tap, Glyph of Horn of Winter, Glyph of Path of Frost
- Talent build:
Ingame Script:
Cod: |
/run t,p,a={3,23,33,41,63,72,81,92,103,121,133,141,162,171,182,193,201,1,12,33,42,2,12,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end |
- Priorities:
- Diseases (Frost Fever, Blood Plague)
- Dark Transformation
- Death and Decay / Scourge Strike (daca ambele rune Unholy/Death sunt "Ready-to-use")
- Festering Strike (daca ambele rune Frost/Blood sunt "Ready-to-use")
- Death Coil cu Sudden Doom proc sau Runic Power mare
- Death and Decay / Scourge Strike
- Festering Strike
- Blood Tap
- Death Coil
- Horn of Winter
Diseases: La inceput incearca sa aplici diseaseurile cu Outbreak daca nu este pe cooldown. In caz contrar foloseste Icy Touch si Plague Strike.
Scourge Strike produce 36% din damageul fizic ca shadow damage daca sunt amandoua diseaseurile aplicate(18% pe disease). Diseaseurile aplica de asemenea Ebon Plague pe target, ceea ce creste damageul dat de ele cu 30% si tot damageul magic primit de target cu 8%.
Festering Strike: transforma runele folosite in Death Runes si creste durata diseaseurilor pe target cu 6 Secunde.
Dark Transformation: cand folosesti Death Coil Ghoulul tau primeste 1 stach de "Shadow Infusion". Cand acesta are 5 stackuri poti folosi Dark Transofmation pentru a mari damageul Ghoulului si a ii "amplifica" abilitatile.
- Diseases (Frost Fever, Blood Plague)
- Consumables:
Flask: Flask of Titanic Strength
Potion: Golemblood Potion
Food: Beer-Basted Crocolisk sau Fortune Cookie
- Professions:
Alchemy: +80 Strength @ Flask of Titanic Strenght si durata marita la toate consumabilele produse de Alchemysti.
Blacksmithing: +2 Extra Sockets(Gloves & Bracers) > 80 Strength(2x Blood Inferno Ruby)
Enchanting: +2x Ring Enchants(+40 Strength pe fiecare Ring)
Engineering: 480 Strength pentru 10 secunde; 1 minut CD(Synapse Springs)
Herbalism: Lifeblood - 480 haste pentru 20 de secunde cu un CD de 2 minute.
Inscription: Lionsmane Inscription - 80 Strenght in plus fata de enchantul de la Therazane
Mining: 120 Stamina
Skinning: 80 Critical Strike Rating
Tailoring: Shordguard Embroidery - 1000 AP pentru 15 secunde cu un CD de 45 de secunde.
- Useful Macros / AddOns
Cod: |
#showtooltip Scourge Strike /cast [target=pettarget,harm,nodead][] Claw /cast Scourge Strike |
Cod: |
#showtooltip Summon Gargoyle /cast Unholy Frenzy /cast Summon Gargoyle /use Golemblood Potion /use 16 |
- Enchanting:
Head - Arcanum of the Wildhammer (Alliance), Arcanum of the Dragonmaw (Horde)
Shoulder - Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone sau Lionsmane Inscription daca esti Inscriptioner
Back - Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike sau Shordguard Embroidery daca esti Tailor.
Chest - Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Major Strength sau Draconic Embossment daca esti Leatherworker.
Hands - Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strength, Synapse Springs daca esti Engineer.
Legs - Dragonscale Leg Armor
Boots - Enchant Boots - Haste
Ring - Enchant Ring - Strength x2, doar daca esti Enchanter.
Weapon - Rune of Fallen Crusader
- Gemming
Red - Bold Inferno Ruby, 3x Bold Chimera's Eye daca esti Jewelcrafter
Yellow - Fierce Ember Topaz
Blue - Etched Demonseye
Meta-gem - Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond
Tot timpul vei folosi Bold Inferno Ruby indiferent de culoarea socketului. Daca Socket Bonusul este de +20 Strength sau o cantitate mare dintr-un stat secundar(gen 40-50 Haste/mastery) atunci poti juca la Socket Bonus pe itemul acela.
- Reforging
Daca nu esti hit capped poti da reforge la staturile mai putin importante(Crit/Expertise, eventual Mastery) in hit.
Acelasi lucru si in cazul Expertiseului.
Nu da niciodata reforge la HASTE!!!. Poti da(si este indicat) reforge la staturile mai putin importante / surplusuri(hit/expertise) in haste. Daca itemul are deja haste pe el este indicat sa dai reforge in mastery.
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