sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Warrior - Arms, PvP

Warrior PvP Arms

6.Some tips
7.Arena Combo
9.Flask-uri,potiuni si meserii.

1Build,eu joc la heroic strike spec:
- [http://www.wowhead.com/talent#LGofcRbRurkhb0oZh]Heroic Strike spec[/url]
Pentru Heroic Strike Spec:
- Prime Glyphs:
* Glyph of Bladestorm
* Glyph of Overpower
* Glyph of Mortal Strike
- Major Glyphs:
* Glyph of Rapid Charge
* Glyph of Long Charge
* Glyph of Victory Rush
- Minor Glyphs:
* Glyph of Battle
* Glyph of Berserker Rage
* Glyph of Command

-Charge si Rend,apesi odata dai charge si mai apesi odata sa aplici rend:

#showtooltip charge
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast charge
/cast rend

-Charge pe focus.
#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [target=focus] Charge

#showtooltip pummel
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast pummel

-Shattering Throw
#showtooltip Shattering Throw(Battle Stance)
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast battle stance
/cast Shattering Throw(Battle Stance)

#showtooltip disarm
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast defensive stance
/cast disarm

-Intervene pe partener
#showtooltip Intervene
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast [target=party1] Intervene
/cast Battle Stance

-Shield Wall+enraged regeneration
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/equip 1h
/equip shield
/cast defensive stance
/cast shield wall
/cast enraged regeneration

-Shield Block
#showtooltip Shield Block
/equip 1h
/equip shield
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast shield block

-Spell Reflection
#showtooltip spell reflection
/equip 1h
/equip shield
/cast spell reflection

- One shot macro aoe:
#showtooltip recklessness
/cast Berserker stance
/uset Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Badge of Victory
/cast recklessness
/cast bladestorm

-One Shot macro single target:
#showtooltip deadly calm
/cast Berserker stance
/cast deadly calm
/cast recklessness
/use Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Badge of Victory
/cast battle stance
dupa ce apasati acest macro dati mortal strikke/slam/overpower.

Red:Bold Inferno Ruby (wowhead link)
Eu am stackat doar str - si in yellow si in blue deoarece sunt expertise+hit capped daca aveti hit+expertise cap mai puneti 1-2 sockets.
Meta:Reverbarting Shadowspirit Diamond

Head:Arcanum of Vicious Strength
Shoulderi:Greater Inscription of Vicious Strength
Back:Enchant Cloak - Critical Strike
Chest:Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Wrist:Enchant Bracer - Greater Critical Strike sau daca nu aveti expertise cap Enchant Bracer - Greater Expertise
Hands:Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strength sau daca nu esti esp cap Enchant Gloves - Greater Expertise

Cand folositi one shot macro single target aveti grija sa sa dati un disarm/stun tintei pentru ca recklessnes ca da 50% crit dar si 20% la dmg PRIMIT.Contra melee ajunge disarm dar al casteri obligat treb. stun.
One shot macro aoe trebuie folosit DOAR daca stiti ca targetul are coldown la: blink/demonic circle teleport/dismantle/disarm/.
Sa aveti cat mai multe binduri.
Cand intalnesti un warrior care isi da 1 shot macro disarm IMEDIAT + stun.
Sa tineti rend,harmstring/piercing howl/,mortal strike pe target.
One shot macro sa il dati cand target are 30-40% daca faceti asta sa dai si execute cand ajunge sunt 20%.

7. Arena Combo:
arms/disci priest
3v3:TSG*e imba in cata*:Hpala/warr/dk
WLD: Warrior/lock/druid
kitty cleave: Warrior/Fdruid/paladin
Warrr/mag/priest disci sau shamy/druid resto
si ultimul dar nu cel din uram palaholy/warr/druid resto.

5%hit>20 expertise>strength>crit>mastery>haste.
Hit=daca aveti 5% nu dai miss cu special abilities(mortal strike,rend etc.)
Expertise=Scade sansa sa dati dodge/parry ft bun contra rogues.
Strength=Mareste Attack power *1STR=2Attack power*
Crit=Mareste sansa de a da critical cu spellls
Mastery=Cu cat aveti mai mult mastery cu atat aveti mai mare sansa de a da acel attack cu 100% normal damage.
haste=inutil pentru warriori.

9.Flask-uri.potiuni si meserii.
Fask: Flask of Titanic Strength
Potiuni: Golemblood Potion
Food: Beer-Basted Crocolisk
Meserii:Eu prefer Engineering (wowhead link) pentru Reinforced Bio-Optic Killshades deobicei le socketez cu hit si expertise/crit.Pe langa engineering mai este folositor Jewelcrafting (wowhead link) pentru Bold Chimera's Eye (wowhead link) care ne ofera un plus de str.

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