sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Paladin - Holy, PvE

Video Demonstrativ



1. Intro

Paladinului i-au fost aduse atat imbunatatiri cat si cateva dezavantaje pe Cataclysm. Acum ramai mai repede fara mana dar esti cel care sustine raidul prin cele mai puternice single-target heals , mai nou si AoE heals. Acest tutorial este despre Holy Paladin Healing Guide, patch 4.0.6 .

2. Stats

Ca si pe WotLK, cel mai important stat al nostru este Intellect-ul

Deci avem asa :

Intellect > Spirit > Haste > SpellCrit >Mastery

Spellpower se gaseste doar pe arma.

Cu 5% Plate Spec, 5% Kings, si 10% Spellpower buff, 100 Int vom avea :

1653.75 Maximum Mana.
121.275 Spell Power.
~0.17% Spell Crit.
~8.27 Mp5 din Replenishment.
~8.27 Mp5 din Divine Plea.

3. Spec

Specul de baza ar fi 31/3/3 , unde va mai raman 4 puncte, pe care le puteti pune in functie de preferinte.

Link in-game :
/run t,p,a={1,23,33,43,51,81,92,102,111,121,133,141,153,161,172,183,201,2,13,3,23,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

Enlightened Judgments - Mai mult hit, mai mult heal primit din judgement care se transfera la beacon.
Eternal Glory - Iti ofera sanse mai mare ca Word of Glory sa nu consume Holy power.
Blessed Life - Genereaza Holy Power cand primesti direct damage
Last Word - Crit mai mare cu WoG pe cei sub 35% hp.
Improved Judgment - Range mai mare pentru Judgement
Pursuit of Justice - Movement speed mai mare si sanse sa genereze Holy power cand aveti stun / fear / immobilize.

Asta ar fi specul ales de mine.

Link in-game :
/run t,p,a={1,23,33,43,52,81,92,102,112,121,133,141,153,161,172,183,201,2,13,3,23,32,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

4. Healing Spells

Single Target Heals:

Pe langa Flash of Light, Holy Light si Holy shock a mai fost introdus un nou spell numit Divine Light (wowhead link). Aceste spelluri variaza in functie de mana cost, casting time si puterea healului. Singurul spell care genereaza mereu Holy power este Holy Shock. Celelalte genereaza Holy Power numai cu acest talent : Tower of Radience (wowhead link)

Holy Power Heals:

1. Light of Dawn (wowhead link) - Aoe heal
2. Word of Glory (wowhead link) - Single Target

5. Cooldowns

Avem niste spelluri foarte utile, dar cu un cooldown mai mare :

1. Avenging Wrath = 20% mai mult heal. Lasts 20 sec . 3 min cd
2. Divine Favour = 20% mai mult haste si crit. Lasts 20 sec. 3 min cd
3. Aura Mastery = Creste efectul aurei paladinului cu 100% timp de 6 secunde. 2 min cd
4. Lay on hands = imbauberomgheal , da cred ca stiti cu totii ce face. 10 min cd. Provoaca Forbearence pe cel afectat.
5. Guardian of the Ancient Kings = Ei bine aici este ceva foarte interesant. Summoneaza un pet incontrolabil care casteaza aceleasi spelluri ca si paladinul ( Flash of light, Holy light, Divine light, Word of Glory, Light of dawn). Acest ingeras este invulnerabil si dureaza 30 sec sau pana au fost castate 5 healuri valide.
6. Divine Plea = Principalul spell care ne reface mana.

6. Enchants, Glyphs & Consumables


Prime glyphs : [Glyph of Divine Favor], [Glyph of Seal of Insight]. Astea doua sunt must have. Raman [Glyph of Holy Shock] si [Glyph of Word of Glory] , care le puneti in functie de necesitate.

Major glyphs : [Glyph of Divinity], [Glyph of Light of Dawn], [Glyph of Divine Plea]. Restul mi se par fake & gay.

Minor glyphs : Insight, Blessing of Might, Blessing of Kings.


Back [Enchant Cloak - Greater Intellect] / [Enchant Cloak - Intellect]
Chest [Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats] / [Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats]
Feet [Enchant Boots - Haste] / [Enchant Boots - Lavawalker]
Hands [Enchant Gloves - Haste] / [Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery]
Shield [Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect]
Wrist [Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect] / [Enchant Bracer - Greater Speed]
Head [Arcanum of Hyjal] / [Arcanum of Vicious Intellect]
Shoulder [Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone] / [Greater Inscription of Vicious Intellect]
Legs [Powerful Ghostly Spellthread] / [Powerful Enchanted Spellthread]

[Enchant Weapon - Heartsong] 20s ICD, 25% proc chance
[Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent] 45s ICD, 30-35% proc chance


[Ember Shadowspirit Diamond]
[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]
[Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond]

[Brilliant Inferno Ruby]

[Purified Demonseye]
[Sparkling Ocean Sapphire]

[Reckless Ember Topaz]
[Artful Ember Topaz]
[Potent Ember Topaz]


[Seafood Magnifique Feast]
[Severed Sagefish Head]
[Delicious Sagefish Tail]
[Basilisk Liverdog]

Potions si Flasks

[Flask of Battle]
[Flask of the Draconic Mind]
[Flask of Flowing Water]

[Volcanic Potion]

Doar astea le-am considerat utile.

7. Professions

Leatherworking - Draconic Embossment - Intellect
Net Gain: +130 Int, -1 Wrist Enchant

Jewelcrafting - Brilliant Chimera's Eye x3
Net Gain: +81 Int cu gemurile actuale

Alchemy - Mixology
Net Gain: +80 Int

Blacksmithing - Socket Gloves/Bracers
Net Gain: +80 Int cu gemurile actuale

Enchanting - Enchant Ring - Intellect
Net Gain: +80 Int

Inscription - Felfire Inscription
Net Gain: +80 Int

Engineering - Synapse Springs
Net Gain: +480 Int for 12s / min

Tailoring - Lightweave Embroidery
Net Gain: +580 Int for 15s, -50 Int Enchant

Herbalism - Lifeblood
Net Gain: +480 Haste for 20s / 2min

Skinning - Master of Anatomy
Net Gain: +80 Crit

8. Abrevieri

AW    Avenging Wrath
BoK    Blessing of Kings
BoL    Beacon of Light
BoM    Blessing of Might
DF    Divine Favor
DL    Divine Light
DP    Divine Plea
EG    Eternal Glory
FoL    Flash of Light
GCD    Global Cool Down
GoAK    Guardian of Ancient Kings
HL    Holy Light
HoPo    Holy Power
HPS    Healing per Second
HPM    Healing per Mana
HR    Holy Radiance
HS    Holy Shock
ICD    Internal Cooldown
IoL    Infusion of Light
JotP    Judgements of the Pure
LoD    Light of Dawn
LoH    Lay on Hands
SoI    Seal of Insight
SoL    Speed of Light
ToR    Tower of Radiance
WoG    Word of Glory
HoF    Hand of Freedom*
HoP    Hand of Protection*
(Ho)Sac    (Hand of) Sacrifice*
(Ho)Salv    (Hand of) Salvation*

9. Useful Addons

Power Bars
Power Auras

10. Useful Macros

1. Mouseover Macro
#showtooltip Spell Name
 /cast [@mouseover, help] [help] [@targettarget, help] [@player] Spell Name

2. Focus Macro
#showtooltip Spell Name
 /focus [@focus,nohelp] [@focus,dead]
 /cast [@focus,help] [help] [@targettarget,help] [@player] Spell Name

11. Rotatia mea:

O sa fac in doua variante. Una pentru dungeons si alta pentru raids ( 25man )

I. Dungeons

Din propria mea experienta va voi spune ca un tank inapt care sta "lemn" si care se bazeaza numai pe healer incasand toate hiturile de la trash / bosi este ...doar praf. Adica daca moare, nu va simtiti vinovati, (Cel putin eu nu ma simt).

In primul rand trebuie sa stiti aceste lucruri :

1. Spamand orice spell, exceptand WoG / LoD / Holy Light / Holy Shock o sa ramaneti fara mana. De ce ? Pentru ca paladinul a fost nerfuit in asa fel incat sa nu mai faca ca pe WotLK. Deci, trebuie sa fiti foarte atenti la mana voastra. Foarte :< .

2. Dand heal numai cu Holy Light riscati sa va moara tankul / grupul. De preferat ar fii sa folositi Holy Light ca filler (adica de umplutura), Holy Shock la cooldown.

3. Incercati sa folositi mereu Word of Glory cu 3x Holy Power, folosind specul meu (vezi mai sus) . Light of Dawn este aproape inutil in 5man.

4. Profitati mereu de Infusion of Light (wowhead link), cand targetul are hp mai mult, dati un holy light, daca are hp mai putin dati un divine light.

5. Judgement la Cooldown. Iar daca encounterul va permite, incercati sa stati in melee range-ul celui pe care ati dat judgement. Asta pentru ca melee attacks va reface mana.

6. NU folositi Crusader Strike decat daca este neaparata nevoie de Holy Power. Consuma 10% base mana, adica undeva pe la 2-3k daca nu ma insel.

7. Pentru proc la increased healing buff, power torrent, etc dati Holy Radiance (wowhead link) . Eu de cand am facut 358 ilevel il dau de cate ori este nevoie, chiar si la cooldown. Asa ca daca stiti ca va permiteti nu ezitati sa il folositi.

8. La low HP, heal cu Flash of light nu cu Divine Light

9. Folostiti de cate ori este nevoie Divine Protection, Aura mastery (in dungeons de preferat , of Resistance), Stun.

Si acum rotatia: Beacon > Judgement > HolyShock > Holy Light ( x cat e nevoie) > Flash/ Holyshock pentru WoG > WoG (x3 HP) > WoG (daca nu se consuma HP) > Flash of light ( Low HP to full hp) > HolyShock (proc) > Divine Light > Judgement CD > Holy Shock > si tot asa.

Daca v-ati facut o idee, ramane sa introduceti unde este nevoie Holy Radiance, Divine Favour, Guardian of AK, Avenging Wrath.

II. Raid 25 man :

Din cauza ca o sa fiti uber buffed, va puteti permite sa mai renuntati la teama asa de out of mana, si sa dati si niste AOE heal in plus. (Asta daca nu sunteti pusi strict pe tank)

Neaparat, folositi la CD : Holy Radiance, Holy Shock, Judgement, Divine Favour, Avenging Wrath, Divine Protection, GotAK.

Rotatia in raids e in functie de boss, asa ca o sa iau ca exemplu Halfus Wyrmbreaker :

Beacon > Judgement > HolyShock > Flash > Holy Light (ca filler) > WoG / LoD > Divine Light la proc .

Restul am spus ca se dau la cooldown, deci nu are rost sa le introduc.

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